Many of my clients have been students, including adult students – those who have left school, college or university and come back to learning. This brings up a whole new set of challenges with perhaps other responsibilities on top of learning, this could be children or caring for a relative, perhaps managing a full or part-time job alongside studying. Coming back to studying can also reignite memories of previous experiences of studying – be they nostalgic or full of angst. Maybe trying to juggle study as an adult means that there is no longer enough me time to do, think or feel. Maybe you stay up late at night, even when exhausted, because this is the only quiet and calm time you are able to carve out into the day.
Do you ever doubt yourself in even considering going back to learning – could I really do that? Maybe you have thoughts that it is something that should have been done in your teens or twenties, at the right time? But what if the right time doesn’t always fit societies mould? Maybe you didn’t have the self-belief or desire to learn back then. Maybe you didn’t yet know what you were interested in. I personally believe that you don’t have to do things in the ‘right order’ and sometimes you may feel ready at a different time to someone else. I didn’t achieve my degree until my 30s and qualified as a counsellor in my 40s. Does this make my achievements any less? Of course not. Did I ‘do it’ wrong? I don’t think so. Did life take me on a more meandering pathway, maybe? Have I become more resilient and patient? Definitely.
I wonder what you are capable of? I wonder where that door could lead you? Some planning in how you would juggle studying with other commitments is an important part of this process. Self-care being key – not just how you would fit in responsibilities but how you are able to stay healthy mentally and physically yourself. Maybe some counselling sessions could be part of your plan to support you? When I trained to become a counsellor, I was required to undertake 40 hours of personal counselling, and this was invaluable to my self-awareness and growth as a person. It allowed me space to myself, and which I hope made me better in my relationships.
As Autumn transforms into Winter and you perhaps find yourself inside more, notice what you read, what do watch on TV, which radio shows or podcasts, or social media posts are you drawn to? Where do your interests lie? What are you interested in? Would you like to find out more? I wonder where that could lead you…