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How I work in my counselling practice - #counselling modality


Which modality do I work with as a counsellor?


I am an integrative counsellor, which means that I trained in more than one modality.  This is great when I work with clients as they are all individuals with different backgrounds and experiences.  So rather than a one modality fits all approach, the counselling process is unique to each person – I meet clients where they are rather requiring them to fit into a set rigid framework.  A useful A-Z of counselling modalities can be found on the BACP website: Types of counselling and psychotherapy (


The main ways in which I currently work in my practice are:



The foundation of my counselling approach is the Person-Centred modality, which is a humanistic approach.  It sees everyone as having the capacity for personal growth if given the right conditions.  Through unconditional positive regard, empathy, and congruence I help clients deal with negative feelings and facilitate them to make the change and growth that each individual client desires. 


Transactional Analysis

Transactional analysis incorporates elements of humanistic, cognitive behavioural and psychodynamic approaches.  It’s useful to help you understand how you interact with others and looking at how we interpret the world and create recurrent patterns that can be problematic.  Awareness of this can be transformative in helping clients effect desired change in their lives.


Somatic exercises

This isn’t technically a modality however it is an important part of my counselling approach.  I have undertaken additional training in working with rape and sexual abuse.  As part of this training I learnt much about feeling safe and calm in our bodies and exercises that we can use to feel safe in the counselling room and that can be used in everyday life.  I have found them useful with many clients, some who may have experienced trauma but also with clients who experience anxiety.  I use somatic exercises myself and often do so to set myself up for the day. 


Creative Therapy

Although I work mainly in a traditional talk therapy way, I do sometimes bring creative methods into sessions.  We may work with buttons, postcards, nesting dolls, emotion cards, etc.  I undertake regular CPD and enjoy exploring creative ways of working.  Creative interventions can sometimes help clients express what can be difficult in words or help make connections.


I also bring fidgets, colouring books, and pens/pencils to sessions.  Some of my clients find it easier to relax and open up when doodling or colouring in, others prefer traditional talk -I take my lead from my clients.


Psychological Education

Again, not really a modality but some psychological education can be incredibly useful.  An example of where I often bring in psychological education is with anxiety and talking about the fight, flight and freeze response.


Overall as an integrative counsellor, my aim is to provide a safe, non - judgemental space and an emphatic listening ear, so that you can explore your thoughts and feelings, and hopefully help you find peace, self - awareness and change.








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